Health: Are Students At Risk of Iron Deficiency?

University students are not often hailed as the heroes of healthy eating, but are poor dietary choices affecting students’ health much more than they realised? According to Slimming World, 65% of students described their eating habits at university as ‘quite unhealthy’ or ‘very unhealthy’ and such a diet can often have severe consequences. “I was excessively tired and out of breath whenever I walked,” Medicine … Continue reading Health: Are Students At Risk of Iron Deficiency?

Health: Top 5 Tips to Help Improve Your Gym Diet

Make sure your buff gym body survives university with these simple, healthy tips to keep you in shape 1. Hydration As a student, life can be hectic and we’re constantly being told to make sure we stay hydrated, but for a strict gym goer staying hydrated is doubly important as your muscles are made up of 75% water. This can be sorted by simply adding … Continue reading Health: Top 5 Tips to Help Improve Your Gym Diet

Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

  When eating in a restaurant you pick the second cheapest bottle on the wine list (so not to look tight) and in supermarkets, you choose the bottle with the prettiest label, right? Sound familiar? Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re doing it all wrong, and that’s why every gulp of white wine tastes a bit like vinegar and your red wine makes you grimace … Continue reading Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

Skills: A Student’s How to Guide to Cooking the Perfect Egg

The egg is a wonderful ingredient; delicious, full of protein and you can make it in more ways than you could ever imagine. So how do you know which is best and what you can actually manage in a poorly stocked student kitchen? This guide will tell you once and for all, how to buy and store eggs, then you can cook them in five different ways. … Continue reading Skills: A Student’s How to Guide to Cooking the Perfect Egg

Myth Buster: Can Eating “Brainfood” Make You More Intelligent?

Is brainfood more than just a buzzword, and are there certain meals that can actually help your grey matter and give you the cutting edge for those all important exams? According to top nutritionist Kirsten Davies of The Food Remedy, the answer is yes.  It’s the last few weeks of term and deadlines are looming. The stress is mounting and the only thing on your mind … Continue reading Myth Buster: Can Eating “Brainfood” Make You More Intelligent?

Orthorexia: The Healthy Food Eating Disorder Students Need to Know About

You start out with good intentions; you’re determined to stick to the healthy diet this time, swap out the sugary stuff for fresh fruit and veg. Then perhaps you cut out processed or refined foods, you linger in the supermarket aisles, scrutinising ingredients labels. You duck out of lunch with your housemates, scared there won’t be anything healthy enough on the menu. You begin to … Continue reading Orthorexia: The Healthy Food Eating Disorder Students Need to Know About

Make v Buy: Your Official Student Dip Guide

Dip – the thick sauce that gives Doritos a purpose! It’s an essential crowd-pleaser to any social gathering that can really bring your serving table to life. Its brilliance is only complimented by its simplicity, because there is no cooking involved – a busy student’s dream come true. But you could just as easily go to your local shop and buy a pre-prepared tub. So, … Continue reading Make v Buy: Your Official Student Dip Guide

Money-Saving Woes: Students Are Resorting to Starvation and Foodbanks to Make Ends Meet

With the cost of living continuing to rise, some students are being forced to starve themselves to save money, while others are turning to foodbanks for help. Leftovers investigates: As students, budgeting is part of our daily lives. Whether it’s sitting in warm jumpers during winter or forcing yourself to stay in on Saturday night, there are several tried-and-tested ways of rationing that precious student … Continue reading Money-Saving Woes: Students Are Resorting to Starvation and Foodbanks to Make Ends Meet

Opinion: Should Drinks Companies Play Politics?

The good, the bad and the plain embarrassing: Is it the responsibility of drinks companies to ensure we are ‘woke’? This year Pepsi taught us all a lesson in how to effectively make change. Apparently all it takes is a carbonated drink and a blonde, conventionally attractive woman. If you can get Kendall Jenner, you’ve won the battle. Easy, right? Using Black Lives Matter iconography, … Continue reading Opinion: Should Drinks Companies Play Politics?