Deal or No Meal Deal: the Cheapest Lunches on the High Street

The high-street meal deal has gained an affectionate place in the hearts of many students. But which one gives you the best deal? Leftovers have scoured the market to find out which deal deserves to be hailed as  King of the Meal Deal.

What have you got in yours? Are you a conservative, opting for a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, orange juice and salt and vinegar crisps? Or do you go for something a little more daring, like an egg and spinach protein pot, carrot cake and a kale, kiwi and lime smoothie?

The contents of a meal deal can be a divisive and highly personal issue, pitching housemate against housemate, brother against sister and friend against friend, but there is no doubt that during exam season, they can be a real saviour. But which shop offers the best value for money, and which one gives you the best choice? We investigated.

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Price: £3.00

Choice: For your main, you have the choice of pasta, wraps, sandwiches (which can come in triples), subs and salads. They offer a wide range of snacks, fruit, varieties of crisps and popcorn as well as chocolate, cakes and sweets.

Best deal:

Southern Fried Chicken Sub £2.35

Naked smoothie £2.36

Walkers Sensations Crisps: 0.80p


Total: £5.51

Saving with meal deal: A tidy £2.51


Rating (out of 5):

Value for money: 4/5 – With a total potential saving of nearly £3, this meal deal is worth its modest price.

Variety: 3/5 – Whilst they offer a wide choice, they offer a fairly small selection of flavours for each main meal.



Price: £3.39

Choice: More like a small warehouse Boots offer a huge range, whatever your taste. From the standard wraps, salads and sandwiches, to sushi, subs and even styled flat breads. You can choose fruit, nuts, sweets, chocolate, cakes and yoghurts. In terms of drinks there’s even more options, with coconut water, smoothies, fizzy pop, iced coffees and even milk.

Best deal:

Moroccan style couscous salad: £3.00

Innocent Bright Spark Smoothie: £2.50

Carrot Cake: £1.20


Total: £6.70

Saving with meal deal: a huge £3.31, that’s almost the price of another meal!


Rating (out of 5):

Value for money: 5/5-  Considering the huge potential saving, it just has to be full marks.

Variety: 5/5- Again, considering the enormous variety, it has to be.



Price: £3.00

Choice: A modest choice of simply filled sandwiches, wraps, salads and some pasta. Only crisps, fruit and chocolate are available as a snack, with drinks limited to a choice of fruit juice, water or pop.


Best deal:

Chicken and Sweetcorn sandwich: £2.00

Tropicana orange and raspberry: £1.35

Kettle Crisps: £0.80p


Total: £4.15

Saving with meal deal: A modest £1.15


Rating (out of 5):

Value for money: 2/5- Not a great saving tbh, but a saving none the less.

Variety: 2/5- If you aren’t a fan of sandwiches, wraps and crisps, I’m afraid Sainsbury’s isn’t for you.


So, there you have it, Boots have taken the crown, and can be named King of the Meal Deal. Despite the slightly higher price, they come out on top in both value for money and the sheer variety of options they offer. Tesco follow a close second with their wide variety of healthy and more indulgent snacks. Sainsbury’s limited options mean they finish in third place.


What you are having in yours? We want to hear, let us know with #whatsinyours