Why You Could Save Money By Visiting Your Local Market

“Go to the Moor Market, it’s a lot cheaper”, is what they will tell you when you arrive in Sheffield. Unfortunately, having lived in the city for nine months now, I have realised that this is sometimes, but not always, the case.  Going to the market can be an entertaining plan for the weekend for a lot of students. Not only do you get to … Continue reading Why You Could Save Money By Visiting Your Local Market

The Queen’s Eating Habits – Do you Eat Like Royalty?

Student life is not always conducive with fine dining but you would think it would go hand in hand with royalty. Many of us like to think we can live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget but what is the difference between what the average student eats and what the Queen likes to have? Recently, the Telegraph produced an expose on what the royals … Continue reading The Queen’s Eating Habits – Do you Eat Like Royalty?

Leicester – Best Budget-Friendly Restaurants every Student needs to Visit

LC is famous for its food, from Red Leicester cheese to Walkers crisps. But such famous names don’t mean you can’t eat out, and for cheap. Here’s a couple of places every student should check out: Peter Pizzeria  Serving fresh sourdough Pizzas for under a tenner, Peter’s is the perfect place for a fancy date or just something a bit different. Cinema themed, they even … Continue reading Leicester – Best Budget-Friendly Restaurants every Student needs to Visit

5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies That Will Light Up Your Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper”. But how can you prepare a “king’s feast” in the morning rush hour? A glass of smoothie contains multiple nutrients which can help you get ready for a day. Breakfast is like fuel to a car – it refills your body with energy … Continue reading 5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies That Will Light Up Your Day

RECIPE: Quick and Easy Three-course Meal to Microwave in a Mug

For most of us, having a three-course meal only happens when someone else is paying. But can you make one in your own kitchen with minimal cost and effort? Our mug meal guide makes it possible. We recommend using larger-than-average mugs simply because you have more space for your ingredients. Each course takes less than 15 minutes to make so you can have a 3-course … Continue reading RECIPE: Quick and Easy Three-course Meal to Microwave in a Mug

News: The Food and Drink Events you can’t miss this Summer

If you are looking for culinary and cultural events this summer, why not check out our top picks from around the country? Sheffield Food Festival, 27 – 29 May This festival gathers together artisan food and drink, and the people who make and sell it. The highlight will be the Theatre kitchen, where participating professional chefs will show how to make their signature dishes, and … Continue reading News: The Food and Drink Events you can’t miss this Summer

RECIPE: A Delicious Creamy Cheesecake you can Share with Friends

Bored on a weekend? Feeling cheesy? Treat yourself and your friends to this delicious cheesecake. Creamy and not overly sweet, it’s the perfect choice to share with flat mates alongside a few cups of tea. You’ll need: For the cake Two 180g tubs of Philadelphia spread cheese, one of them light 180g white sugar. 4 mid-sized eggs. 200g of cottage cheese. For the base   … Continue reading RECIPE: A Delicious Creamy Cheesecake you can Share with Friends