Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

  When eating in a restaurant you pick the second cheapest bottle on the wine list (so not to look tight) and in supermarkets, you choose the bottle with the prettiest label, right? Sound familiar? Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re doing it all wrong, and that’s why every gulp of white wine tastes a bit like vinegar and your red wine makes you grimace … Continue reading Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

Holly’s Lollies a Sweet Success: Alcoholic Lollipops Make Student a Star

Holly Brook chanced at making boozy, boiled sweets after finding an old Victorian recipe for the classic confectionary. She has sold more than 120,000 sweets in her first year of production and made her debut TV appearance. Twenty-four-year-old Holly Brook started her road to success in the summer of 2013 before completing her third year at the University of Bath. The psychology student started her … Continue reading Holly’s Lollies a Sweet Success: Alcoholic Lollipops Make Student a Star

Cooking Skills: Easy and Cheap Cake Icing to Impress Your BFF on their Birthday

If you’re planning on putting some real effort in for your bestie’s birthday, why not bake a simple cake and try making some of our fluffy whipped cream? This makes any cake look professional, without having to fork out. Keep on reading to find some tips on decoration at the bottom! All you need: 2 cups of heavy cream 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 teaspoon … Continue reading Cooking Skills: Easy and Cheap Cake Icing to Impress Your BFF on their Birthday

#FoodPorn: The Rise of the Food Blogger

  With thousands of followers, multiple book deals and sponsored content from some of the tastiest chains, food blogging is big business but who should you be looking out for? BY ALICE BROSTER #Foodporn, #Foodstgram and #FattyLife – did you even eat a meal if you didn’t take a picture and put it on Instagram first? With over 500 million active monthly users and over … Continue reading #FoodPorn: The Rise of the Food Blogger

Brighton – The Best Budget-Friendly Restaurants Every Student Needs to Visit

Home to over 31,000 students, a famous pier and the largest LGBT community in the UK, Brighton is one of the most diverse and exciting cities to live in as an undergraduate. Whether you’re exploring the shops in the North Laine or visiting one of Brighton’s many pubs or clubs on a night out, there’s something for everyone. While our fail-safe option is a cone … Continue reading Brighton – The Best Budget-Friendly Restaurants Every Student Needs to Visit

My Life in Drinks: How Our Drinking Habits Change as We Age

We all enjoy a little tipple, especially at the end of a stressful week. However, I’m sure at some point most of us have vowed never to drink again, or at least have had a traumatic association with at least some type of alcohol. From our very first taste of fruity cider to the painfully overpriced G&T we ordered at the bar last weekend, why … Continue reading My Life in Drinks: How Our Drinking Habits Change as We Age

York: Best Budget-Friendly Restaurants Every Student Needs to Try

No matter what the occasion, these five York-based eateries will meet both your nutrional needs and the balance of your student bank account. Rustique Frequently rated the best restaurant in town, it’s actually very cheap to eat at this French bistro. You can get buy a three-course meal for £17.95! Aside from the surprisingly low price, the unique thing about Rustique is that there are … Continue reading York: Best Budget-Friendly Restaurants Every Student Needs to Try

Tupperware Survival: Cheap and Easy Packed Lunches You Can Prep for the Library

May is here and with it – the horror of deadlines. Your survival instincts tell you there’s nothing better to keep your energy levels up than snacks, caffeine (via drip, preferably) and that token banana. Don’t listen to them! LEFTOVERS brings to you two easy and fast cold food recipes for your Tupperware which will give you both energy and something to look forward to at … Continue reading Tupperware Survival: Cheap and Easy Packed Lunches You Can Prep for the Library

Opinion: Cost-Per Portion Recipes, How Useful Are They Really?

Money is easily one of the biggest concerns students have, right up there with trying not to fall asleep in lectures. When it comes to meals, we think more about what is affordable. Can I try a new recipe with a range of ingredients when a ready meal is cheaper and easier to cook? Normally, the answer is no. Recipes that you find online or in magazines … Continue reading Opinion: Cost-Per Portion Recipes, How Useful Are They Really?