Why ‘Clean-Eating’ Instagram Bloggers are Vain and Destructive

Bread is bad. Milk is a menace. And don’t even get me started on meat. But don’t despair. With a sprinkling of turmeric and wheatgrass, you too can transform your sluggish, toxic lifestyle into one that’s wholesome, fulfilling, and effortlessly photogenic… IMAGE // PIXABAY Clean eating bloggers have a lot to answer for. They spout their raw-plant-based-organic mantras through every orifice of social media, preaching … Continue reading Why ‘Clean-Eating’ Instagram Bloggers are Vain and Destructive

Experience: Eight Substitute Snacks that will Help You Quit Smoking for Good

  Exams, coursework, deadlines… what does this lead to? You got it: STRESS. For some of us, the only way to quench that uneasy: “How am I going to write 2000 words tonight?” feeling, is… a cigarette. And if like me, you’re trying to quit smoking, trying to find that substitute can be one of the toughest challenges a student can face – especially during … Continue reading Experience: Eight Substitute Snacks that will Help You Quit Smoking for Good

Myth Buster: How to Eat Cheap and Healthy Meals on a Student Budget

Need some inspiration? Alice Broster debunks the myth that you can’t live healthily on a student budget with four ‘Top Tips’ on how to save money and eat well. (Extra beer money at the end of the week, anyone..?) IMAGE // PEXELS They say you are what you eat, yet I don’t remember eating a lazy, borderline alcoholic. A recent survey showed that 46% of … Continue reading Myth Buster: How to Eat Cheap and Healthy Meals on a Student Budget

RECIPE: Prawn, Tomato & Wholewheat Noodles a Quick and Cheap Lunch Idea

BY FLORA ZHANG – 5 large tiger prawns – 137g (roughly 12) cherry vine tomatoes – 1 tsp olive oil – 2-3 cloves of garlic – 50g wholewheat noodles Method:  Chop the garlic and the tomatoes Add some water to the pot and bring it to boil, then add the noodles in and simmer for another 4 minutes Heat the olive oil in the pan, … Continue reading RECIPE: Prawn, Tomato & Wholewheat Noodles a Quick and Cheap Lunch Idea