Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

  When eating in a restaurant you pick the second cheapest bottle on the wine list (so not to look tight) and in supermarkets, you choose the bottle with the prettiest label, right? Sound familiar? Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re doing it all wrong, and that’s why every gulp of white wine tastes a bit like vinegar and your red wine makes you grimace … Continue reading Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

Opinion: Should Drinks Companies Play Politics?

The good, the bad and the plain embarrassing: Is it the responsibility of drinks companies to ensure we are ‘woke’? This year Pepsi taught us all a lesson in how to effectively make change. Apparently all it takes is a carbonated drink and a blonde, conventionally attractive woman. If you can get Kendall Jenner, you’ve won the battle. Easy, right? Using Black Lives Matter iconography, … Continue reading Opinion: Should Drinks Companies Play Politics?

How To: Easy Cocktail Recipes to Suit Every Student Budget

Students are known for their enthusiastic approach to alcohol, and pre-drinking is a cheap and sociable way to kick off any night out. However, downing mugs filled with own-brand vodka and flat coke from the week before can get pretty tiresome. Here’s some tips and tricks to up your cocktail game – all without breaking the bank. First things first, we need to talk about equipment. … Continue reading How To: Easy Cocktail Recipes to Suit Every Student Budget

5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies That Will Light Up Your Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper”. But how can you prepare a “king’s feast” in the morning rush hour? A glass of smoothie contains multiple nutrients which can help you get ready for a day. Breakfast is like fuel to a car – it refills your body with energy … Continue reading 5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies That Will Light Up Your Day

News: The Food and Drink Events you can’t miss this Summer

If you are looking for culinary and cultural events this summer, why not check out our top picks from around the country? Sheffield Food Festival, 27 – 29 May This festival gathers together artisan food and drink, and the people who make and sell it. The highlight will be the Theatre kitchen, where participating professional chefs will show how to make their signature dishes, and … Continue reading News: The Food and Drink Events you can’t miss this Summer

My Life in Drinks: How Our Drinking Habits Change as We Age

We all enjoy a little tipple, especially at the end of a stressful week. However, I’m sure at some point most of us have vowed never to drink again, or at least have had a traumatic association with at least some type of alcohol. From our very first taste of fruity cider to the painfully overpriced G&T we ordered at the bar last weekend, why … Continue reading My Life in Drinks: How Our Drinking Habits Change as We Age