Health: Are Students At Risk of Iron Deficiency?

University students are not often hailed as the heroes of healthy eating, but are poor dietary choices affecting students’ health much more than they realised? According to Slimming World, 65% of students described their eating habits at university as ‘quite unhealthy’ or ‘very unhealthy’ and such a diet can often have severe consequences. “I was excessively tired and out of breath whenever I walked,” Medicine … Continue reading Health: Are Students At Risk of Iron Deficiency?

Money-Saving Woes: Students Are Resorting to Starvation and Foodbanks to Make Ends Meet

With the cost of living continuing to rise, some students are being forced to starve themselves to save money, while others are turning to foodbanks for help. Leftovers investigates: As students, budgeting is part of our daily lives. Whether it’s sitting in warm jumpers during winter or forcing yourself to stay in on Saturday night, there are several tried-and-tested ways of rationing that precious student … Continue reading Money-Saving Woes: Students Are Resorting to Starvation and Foodbanks to Make Ends Meet

Opinion: Should Drinks Companies Play Politics?

The good, the bad and the plain embarrassing: Is it the responsibility of drinks companies to ensure we are ‘woke’? This year Pepsi taught us all a lesson in how to effectively make change. Apparently all it takes is a carbonated drink and a blonde, conventionally attractive woman. If you can get Kendall Jenner, you’ve won the battle. Easy, right? Using Black Lives Matter iconography, … Continue reading Opinion: Should Drinks Companies Play Politics?

News: The Food and Drink Events you can’t miss this Summer

If you are looking for culinary and cultural events this summer, why not check out our top picks from around the country? Sheffield Food Festival, 27 – 29 May This festival gathers together artisan food and drink, and the people who make and sell it. The highlight will be the Theatre kitchen, where participating professional chefs will show how to make their signature dishes, and … Continue reading News: The Food and Drink Events you can’t miss this Summer