Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

  When eating in a restaurant you pick the second cheapest bottle on the wine list (so not to look tight) and in supermarkets, you choose the bottle with the prettiest label, right? Sound familiar? Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re doing it all wrong, and that’s why every gulp of white wine tastes a bit like vinegar and your red wine makes you grimace … Continue reading Life Hacks: How to Save Money (and Face) When Buying Wine

Skills: A Student’s How to Guide to Cooking the Perfect Egg

The egg is a wonderful ingredient; delicious, full of protein and you can make it in more ways than you could ever imagine. So how do you know which is best and what you can actually manage in a poorly stocked student kitchen? This guide will tell you once and for all, how to buy and store eggs, then you can cook them in five different ways. … Continue reading Skills: A Student’s How to Guide to Cooking the Perfect Egg

Cooking Skills: Easy and Cheap Cake Icing to Impress Your BFF on their Birthday

If you’re planning on putting some real effort in for your bestie’s birthday, why not bake a simple cake and try making some of our fluffy whipped cream? This makes any cake look professional, without having to fork out. Keep on reading to find some tips on decoration at the bottom! All you need: 2 cups of heavy cream 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 teaspoon … Continue reading Cooking Skills: Easy and Cheap Cake Icing to Impress Your BFF on their Birthday